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First Secretary General Unpac

Captain. Aulio E. Hernández G.

Captain Aulio Hernández was the pioneer of the pilots' union when he created, in 1961, the first Panamanian Association of Commercial Aviators (APAC).

Subsequently, on January 30, 1967, Don Aulio, along with other outstanding pilots, founded the Panamanian Union of Commercial Aviators (SIPAC), thus becoming its first General Secretary.

Since then Don Aulio has defended the interests of the union members, he fought to improve the working conditions of Panamanian pilots and to maintain the gains achieved by the union. He was the promoter in the National Assembly of legislation consistent with the professional performance of commercial pilots, as was the Decree of Law 19 of 1963, which regulates Civil Aviation.

During his professional life he worked as a commercial pilot and flight and ground instructor for co-pilots, thus dedicating himself to his greatest passion, which is teaching.

He graduated as an Aircraft and Engine Technician in Mexico with a scholarship at the ICAO-UN school, imparting his knowledge to generations of Panamanian pilots. He was the first Panamanian pilot to obtain an Air Transport Captain's License in Panama.

He worked as a commercial pilot in the Panamanian Aviation Company (COPA), flying DC-3 and Curtis C-46 planes. And he was the first Panamanian to cross the frozen island of Greenland by flying an Avro 748 aircraft, transferring him as First Officer, from the city of Manchester, England, to Panama.

For four years he moved to Bocas del Toro, to work at the Chiriqui Land Company Co., flying a Piper Apache airplane.


Don Aulio founded his own aviation school, from which some pilots graduated, and also his own company that offered air services to Almirante, Changuinola and Bocas del Toro.

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